

Cachify is a free caching plugin for WordPress, which reduces database queries and increases blog performances. It optimizes your page loads by caching posts, pages and custom post types as static content. Whenever a page or post is loaded, it can be pulled directly from the cache. 

Cachify has been developed especially for small to medium sized projects. Smart, clear cache plugin, which temporarily stores page contents in a static form and delivers performance gently. This plugin offers very few setting options, but this is what sets it apart. It works “out of the box” and very few settings need to be made. Most of it runs in the background and doesn’t need any adjustment. The cache is an excellent choice for WP multisite installations and provides very robust caching abilities.

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4.3 / 5 Reviewer
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Cachify is the best caching plugin as it is lightweight, simple, easy to use and works perfectly as expected. The key features of this plugin is its simple interface, supports the HDD and Database Cache file structure work.
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