All In One WP Security & Firewall

All in One WP Security & Firewall

All in One WP Security & Firewall is packed with free features. You don’t need to be a technology or security expert to figure things out as the interface is extremely easy to use.

One of the reasons why this plugin is great is because of the visual elements on the dashboard. You can get reports with graphs that explain all of the metrics related to your website’s security. Furthermore, the plugin tells you which actions you can take to improve the security of your WordPress website.

The features are broken down into three categories: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Therefore, you can still take advantage of the plugin if you’re a more advanced developer. The main ways this plugin works is by protecting your user accounts, blocking forceful attempts on your login, and enhancing the user registration security. Database and file security is also packaged into the plugin.


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4.7 / 5 Reviewer
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The All In One WordPress Security and Firewall is the ultimate security plugin that will take your WordPress site’s security to a whole new level.
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