BulletProof Security

Bulletproof Security

BulletProof Security Pro is a fully automated security plugin. The one-click Setup Wizard automatically sets up BPS Pro in less than 1 minute.  It has automated self-configuration capability that automatically detects and fixes issues or problems in real-time.

BulletProof Security plugin is not the most user-friendly WordPress security plugin, but it does the job for advanced developers who want to take advantage of unique settings and features like the anti-exploit guard and the online Base64 decoder. It also has a setup wizard auto-fix feature to help make it a little easier.

It claims that in the last seven years, none of the 45,000 websites that installed BulletProof Security Pro have been hacked. Impressive, though this number has some contingencies and doesn’t account for things like server hacks.

The BulletProof Security plugin has both free and premium versions. The paid option sells for a one-time payment and is actively developed, updated, and probably contains more features than most of the other security plugins on the market. 

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4.3 / 5 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 (0 votes) Users
BPS Pro is an amazing security plugin, by far the only plugin which provide Quarantine option and many more amazing features. 100% recommended specially when you think of value it offers for 60$ for lifetime. Great plugin with amazing support.
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